Tuesday, January 24, 2012

That's All Folks

Here's a look at the ground, and ocean, that we covered.

Total miles logged: 11,250
Countries: 2
Territories: 4
States slept in: 19
Oil Changes: 3
Tickets: 1

What a journey it was. Thank you to all. Those who supported, and those who helped us along the way, what great friends and family we have, couldn't possibly ask for more. Until our next adventure, we bid you farewell...

Peace and love,

Jill and Kyle.


A trip this extensive, we had to check in with our capitol. We saw the basics, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, protesters...

The White House was harvesting honey from their busy bees. Look closely at the port-side mid-ship.

Back East

We left Colorado with a glimpse of home in sight. We were trying to cover ground quickly where we would meet up with our friends in Asheville, North Carolina. We spent a couple of nights with our best friends in the trendy city of Asheville. We also took an awesome hike where we had a stunning view of the surrounding Blue Ridge Mountains.

Heading to Colorado

Post Grand Canyon we headed north to Colorado where we would actually meet up with Jillian's parents for a day, the delightful Mr. and Mrs. P. Once we left the Grand Canyon, heading in the direction we were going (northeast), we had to stop at where four states' corners meet: the four corners.

Here, Jill poses with one hand on New Mexico and the other on Colorado, and one foot on Utah and the other one on Arizona.

Once in Colorado Springs, we took the Cog Railway up Pike's Peak. It is the world's highest cog train that summits to 14,100 feet. Fortunately for us, there was a big blizzard that closed down the last 2,000 feet of track making altitude sickness not a problem! It was an incredible view with incredible people. What a journey so far.

The Grand Canyon

After making our pass through the Death Valley in California, we continued heading east where our next adventure would be the Grand Canyon. However, before we ventured to the great canyon that is so grand, we needed to get some sleep. We pulled into a sleepy little town where the stakes are high and the lights never go out, Las Vegas. After winning a ton of money, we were able to continue to our destination. The Grand Canyon was as picturesque as you can imagine. Words do no justice. We made a delicious meal that night in celebration of having come so far. We ate a delicious dish made of sausage, beans, and rice - promise it tasted much better than it sounds. We then hiked around (not circumnavigated around, around being figuratively speaking) the Grand Canyon before driving the southern ridge out of there.

Onward and outward!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Death Valley

So after being in Yosemite, we decided to check out Death Valley, located just before the Nevada border. Might we agree, when visiting a place called "Death Valley," bad things may occur. The advisory of traveling to this place is in the name, we were warned.

However, Death Valley was a pretty beautiful place. We eventually made it there after a couple unfortunate events...

While traveling down a 13% grade, our first incident occurred when our breaks started smoking.

We had to let our breaks cool down before continuing onward. It was a pretty nice place to have to wait. We couldn't complain about the view.

The other unfortunate incident occurred just before reaching Death Valley. After successfully driving about 8500 miles without getting pulled over, our luck finally ran out. It was the first of the trip and hopefully the last.

After our multiple warnings, we finally made it to Death Valley, CA. We walked around the sand dunes for a while before continuing onwards. Death Valley has the lowest elevation in the country at about 260 feet below sea level.