Wednesday, September 28, 2011


After Seattle we stayed in Portland for two nights.

Powell's Books is the largest bookstore in the US.

We went to a really fancy bar on the 30th floor of some building. It was an awesome view of the entire city.

YouTube Video

We checked out some local food carts for lunch and enjoyed investigating what Portland had to offer. We also checked out Daschutes brewery.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


After our journey through British Columbia, we made it to Seattle where we stayed for a week. Here we were able to slow down, hang out, kayak, paddle board, enjoy family, and immerse ourselves in the Seattle culture. Here are some shots from just some of our outings.

The very first Starbucks is in Pikes Place.

We also visited the local brewery, Georgetown, featuring Manny's Pale Ale.

Our last day in Seattle a rainbow broke through the sky. A rare site to see. We were leaving Kyle's cousin's house and this was our view.

Location:Seattle, WA


Spent a couple days in Vancouver. It was a very cool and pretty city.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

Photos and videos from our walk through Prospect Point.