Monday, September 5, 2011

The Drive Through Big Horn National Forest

Here's some of our friends we made along the way.

This guy was cool.

This sign explains that this particular spot in Wyoming hosts many dinosaur fossils, including the largest allosaurus ever discovered: 36 ft. long and 10 ft. tall; a carnivore, looks like a t-rex.

Some of our gear loaded in our mobile home: the focus, a.k.a. folksy.

The sign reads "Point of Interest." Who denotes the points of interest? The entire drive was interesting. Oh well.
Another sign stating that it's a "scenic route." Thank goodness we had the sign to tell us it was scenic, otherwise we could have missed it!

We were constantly reminded of how high and steep the cliffs were by the signs around us.

Here are many shots from our awesome drive through the Big Horn's bends.

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