Monday, September 12, 2011

Liard River, Northern Rockies in British Columbia

Night 11 we stayed in a neat little lodge in Muncho Lake,located in the northern most part of the Rockies. Before we arrived here, we embarked along the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, BC.

The drive in was really cool. The views were amazing, nothing but mountains as far as the eye could see. Our car was amidst an envoy of truckers and that was all.

The guard cat.

We drove around 8 hours along the Alaskan Highway to reach our destination for the evening. Along the way we spotted many big horned sheep grazing on the side of the steep roads, many caribou, and a plethora amount of bison.

No phone service cost us many quarters and even more headaches trying to reach the next town (about 6 hours away).

The Liard River Hot Springs were awesomely refreshing, nature's hot tub at its finest. We bathed in the hot springs for a little while before we set back out on the road, destination: Whitehorse, YT.

After leaving the hot springs, we had our first encounter with a bear! Granted it was only a black bear cub, it was still really neat to see, and quite cute as well. Awww...

We then drove for a few hours where we made a pit stop at Watson Lake's infamous sign forest...

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