Monday, September 5, 2011

More from Yellowstone

Excelsior Geyser Crater was pretty awesome. Great colors, 106 degree water, nice.

Old Faithful. On time. She does it again.

As we cooked our dinner, we were trying to pretend that we hadn't just heard of a 600 pound grizzly bear roaming the area earlier that day.

While driving through Yellowstone, a moose crossed our path. It was just after a crowd had stopped and gazed at the bison catching some rays in the comfortable dirt.


  1. oh man! this is awesome! amazing pictures and looks so fun! why wasn't I invited? haha just kidding but looks like an amazing trip and what great photos you will have to look back on. hope the rest of your trip is great!

  2. Keep on Truckin' !!!!!
    We love the blog !
